Autumn is upon us, although it might be hard to tell with 90 degree weather in Los Angeles. Still the hours of daylight are on a downward slope and colder weather looms in the future. The two combined, plus the madness of holiday schedules, result in dips in energy and motivation--impacting both you and your clients. In order to keep you as a teacher and as a devotee to Pilates fresh and dynamic through the winter months I have put together a few suggestions...

Staying Motivated

By now clients' schedules have settled down from the turbulent August vacations and Back-to-School September periods and your schedule has had a comforting even rhythm for a little while now. But sometimes lasting through two more clients after already teaching three seems daunting, as much as you love your last client of the day! Before you grab a coffee (although that does sound good right about now!) try a set of Hundreds or Footwork on the Reformer in your five minutes between clients. If a little stronger pick-me-up is need reach for a jasmine green tea. It will still give a little burst of energy but with powerful antioxidants to boost. Of course, clients will experience lulls too and they will look to you for inspiration. To keep them Pilates-passionate assess their progress since first coming to you along with their original goals for starting Pilates, then pair this with the next 5 or so exercises you foresee adding to their routine in the near future and volia, you have a training routine for the winter! Consider what supplementary equipment you can incorporate into their workout to help them along. For example, I had a client who dreamed of doing Reverse Pull-Ups on the Cadillac, so as we neared that level I shared with her my belief that she would soon be doing those Pull-Ups. Each exercise I knew helped strengthen the important muscle groups for Pull-Ups I would say "and this strengthens (fill in the blank) which will help you do the Reverse Pull-Ups." The goal-centered sessions revived her long time practice and made each session rewarding. When she did do the Reverse Pull-Ups she let out a scream of joy.