I began the certification program while working at a very demanding job.  I think every test level it was a struggle for me to manage the hours of observation and self practice. However, somehow I managed to create a suitable schedule to get things done. I believe if you really want to achieve something, you can. Following my certification I would go to work during the day (9-5) and leave to teach Pilates at night (6-9). I was sort of like Batman...er...Bat-woman (is there a Bat-woman?). Although challenging at times, the gradual transition of teaching part-time allowed me to build my resume while also maintaining a stable income from my corporate gig. A year later though, my company decided it needed to 'trim the fat' due to the economic downturn.  It was at this point I remembered something that Jill said during our training session: 'You are learning a skill that will enable you to always have a job.' It turns out she was right.  

I threw myself into teaching full-time. It was either that or not eat. The initial transition from corporate to sole proprietor was HARD. I had to go through a business basics boot camp for entrepreneurship. I had to adjust to paycheck estimates verses consistent dividends. I had to allot for taxes at the end of the year. I had to downsize and determine what disposable income items would have to be eliminated. It probably took about 5 months to stabilize and organize my life. Now, I have been teaching full-time for over a year and am booked daily. I even have the luxury of turning down jobs and selecting the hours I want to teach. Oh, and all those disposable income items I had to eliminate months prior have mysteriously returned to my budget!  In five years I hope to have opened 2 studios in California and 2 back east where I am from. I know the prospect of opening 4 studios sounds  bit crazy.  However, doesn't being a Pilates teacher FULL-TIME sound crazy? Well I am, and I'm pretty successful at it. I have NO desire to go back to the corporate world. EVER. Hands down Pilates Technique certification was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life."